Amazonia Impact Ventures
Sustainability-linked Loans for Smallholder Farmers' Organisations
This investment fund recognises the importance of indigenous knowledge for conservation efforts of local landscapes by investing in indigenous cooperatives. They provide loans to local businesses in the amazon and focus on deforestation efforts through indigenous practices and techniques. Alongside financial capital, they take an active role in supporting clients with forest management. They hold a commitment to the development of agroforestry projects and the restoration of degraded lands. AIV increase customer access to deforestation free commodities such as berries and fruit through providing funding to sustainable initiatives with transparent practices across the supply chain.
This reflects how local businesses in heavily deforested areas can focus on still making profit from the forest in a sustainable way, without the need for deforestation. Furthermore it shows how investment into forests like the amazon can still be economically viable while promoting sustainable practices.
Their mission is to conserve and regenerate the amazon rainforest while promoting the local bio-economy.
“Home: Amazonia Impact Ventures: Impact Investing: Amazon Rainforest.” Amazonimpactventures, 2021,
Regeneration of land
Implementation of agroforestry practices
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