One of the most mature CCS (carbon capture & storage) projects in the UK.
Storegga is a company that specializes in Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology and carbon storage solutions. They develop projects in the UK and internationally which aim to achieve net zero targets:
Early-stage carbon capture projects
Carbon storage projects
Green and Blue Hydrogen projects
Currently, they are planning to build a DAC facility in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, enabling Storegga to capture CO2 directly from the atmosphere before storing it securely underground. This not only helps to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
UK Government Target: to store 50 million tonnes of CO2 by 2035 and store 10 Million Tonnes per year of CO2 by 2030.
Their flagship DAC facility is expected to be able to scale to sequester 20 million tonnes of CO2 per year in 2030.
What happens to captured carbon?
The carbon dioxide molecules are stored in solid form (in rock), meaning that they are unable to escape into the atmosphere. By doing so Storegga is able to help mitigate the effects of global warming and climate change to a significant degree. Overall, Storegga provides a comprehensive carbon dioxide capture and storage solution.
Storegga is also at the forefront of green and blue hydrogen projects in Scotland.
Hydrogen poses a unique solution for decarbonization if created in an environmentally friendly way and is currently under research as a potential form of green energy. The UK has plans to implement hydrogen as part of its net zero goals in the future.
Their blog shares industry insights into their partnerships, projects and employees:
Images / information sourced from:
Environmental Benefits
Leading company in Green hydrogen - Scotland
Direct Air Capture technology scalable to remove 20 million tonnes of CO2 per year in 2030.
Project Gallery