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Moray West Wind Farm

A 60 turbine wind farm expected to generate 30% of Scotlands energy.

Moray West will be an offshore wind farm in the Moray Firth, northeast Scotland. Currently under construction, the aim is for the project to be fully operational and generate its first power by 2024/25. Having already gained full consent for the build, Moray West will comprise of 60 turbines – all of which will be able to provide a reliable and renewable source of energy which is produced at a relatively low cost.

Located within an inlet, the wind farm will be able to access the North Sea’s abundant wind resources. Despite being in a relatively remote area of the UK with the potential to limit the wind farm’s connectivity to where the energy is required, two of the major energy companies that own a stake in the project (EDP Renewables and ENGIE) have granted rights to some of the existing pipelines and infrastructure in the area. This has been incredibly advantageous for the project’s feasibility by utilising what is already in the vicinity – thus reducing the amount of time and money spent during the development phase and avoiding unnecessary extras by reaching a consensus and working together.

The prospects of offshore wind are exciting. Such projects are able to deliver a range of benefits: supporting efforts towards becoming net-zero, providing local employment and reducing the need for energy imports from elsewhere. In this sense, Moray West is dually beneficial: both in promoting sustainable development by using renewables and also in presenting a way to take steps towards finding a solution to the energy crisis we are now facing globally.

See their video:

Copyright - Moray West


Moray West Offshore Wind Farm (no date) NS Energy. Available at: (Accessed: January 20, 2023). 

Moray West Offshore Wind Farm Project (no date) Moray West. Available at: (Accessed: January 20, 2023).

Moray West Offshore Wind: About Us (no date) Moray West Offshore Wind Farm Project. Available at: (Accessed: January 20, 2023).


Expected offset 1.1M tonnes of CO2 per year

640,000 homes powered

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Solar Panels


Moray Firth, Scotland, UK



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Engineers on Solar Roof


Vacancies advertised on linkedin and their career page.

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